Family is one of nature’s masterpieces


Baby & Family


Baby Massage

Baby massage involves gently stroking each part of your baby’s body in a calm, reassuring, rhythmic way. It’s a way of having some regular special time to bond with your baby and can be very soothing for both of you.

Baby Yoga

Baby Yoga mixes physical touch with emotional contact and movement. It provides your baby with the opportunity to reach out, stretch and explore while following some gentle yoga moves.


Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga is so beneficial for soon-to-be mums to help with improving sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, and increasing the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles. Yoga exercises have a wonderful ability to harmonise and bring the body, mind and soul together.


Hypnobirthing is a complete antenatal course which is simple, logical and profound. We help you and your birth partner prepare for one of the most significant and special moments of your life. It helps you give your baby the best possible start in life.


Toddler Yoga

Toddlers like to observe grown-ups, mimicking activities and joining in when they can. By linking yoga stretches and sequences with songs, stories, play and games, we provide a fun and engaging way for toddlers to continue to explore and engage with their bodies and breath.


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Movement & Exercise

Movement & Exercise

Creative Arts & Gifts

Creative Arts & Gifts


Complementary Health




Counselling & Psychotherapy